
jamie vasta

jamie vasta

jamie vasta
there is a great post on my love for you about her studio visit with jamie vasta. her glittery portraits are simply incredible.

handmade days - melissa dress from burda

melissa dress from burda style
i'd really love to learn how to sew knits - i've toyed with the notion more recently. it just seems like a perfect option for refashioning thrift store finds or creating simple summer dresses. from this one from burda style seems like a nice starter.


etsy wednesday - damson gin

i love costume jewelry & rely heavily on my great grandmother's collection to adorn myself. damson gin sells the necklace above - i'd like it around my neck please.


fashion blitz - lifestyle inspiration

makr news

makr news

makr news
style & fashion are so often reflected online through inspirational images of other people or places. to me, the fine people of makr have a wonderful sense of style. i'd love to crawl into this life & wear everything that they are.

you should check out their amazing leather goods as well. yum.

lucite link chains - etsy or old navy

lucite link chains at old navy

lucite link chains at old navy

still dottie lucite link chains on etsy
i stopped into old navy on sunday (i still like to grab a $30 bathing suit every now & then, especially when it look cheaply identical to this) & discovered the necklaces above.

the old navy necklaces are selling for $10.99, $9 cheaper than mine. i'm sure i am not the first person to create something similar & yes, i feel a little bit ahead of the curve. i'd just like to say - spend the extra money to support etsy sellers & own a unique piece.


found jewelry - dotoverdot

dotoverdot jewelry
dotoverdot via teenangster. these necklaces are so freakin' great - i love the geometric trends right now.


letterpress wedding invites

letterpress wedding invites by ann deotte

letterpress wedding invites by ann deotte
i was lucky enough to work with some dear friends to create their wedding invitations. they wanted something that would be fun but romantic with a definite orange palette. i did some initial sketches for the floral border & bart was able to translate it into digital format. once they were designed, i sent them off to swash press (highly, highly recommended for all of your letterpress needs).

i'm really happy with how they turned out & am convinced that bart & i could make a living (or some pocket change) doing this.

music to listen to - j-live

revisiting the first years of the 21st century with j-live, perfect for a sunny spring day.


handmade days - fairy bread

fairy bread from iatebrisbane
ohhhhh white bread, butter, and sprinkles - yummmm. thanks to sarah from i ate brisbane.


etsy wednesday - geninne

geninne woodblock on etsy
found via seesaw, geninne makes some gorgeous art. i'm drawn to her carved goodness & am tempted to pick these up from her etsy shop for a quick $45.

good eye - street art in berlin

my photo - june 2009

sartorialist photo - april 2010

i've got a good eye - what can i say. the wall's had some work, wouldntcha say?


fashion blitz - urban rain clothes

emma jorn

emma jorn
some inspiration for a real life project. i love this danish designer, emma jorn's take on urban rain gear.


found photography - michael yuasa

michael yuasa

michael yuasa

michael yuasa
the blog of michael yuasa is a bit anonymous, but more hunting links him to antarctic presents, yuasa studio (men's lounge wear), and pike street fish fry. either way, you should check the abundance of capitol hill notables (beautiful ones as it is) & seattle landscapes.


music to listen to - what a week

three shows this last week - little dragon (with v.v. brown), ceu & florence + the machine. today, you get my favorite songs from each.

handmade days - braided rag rug

craft passion braided rag rug tutorial
i've always loved rag rugs - they remind me of the cottage at fife lake. it takes me to standing in the kitchen sporting a sopping wet bathing suit, looking for that big ol' bag of chips to take to the beach. they feel like summer under my feet.

craft passion has a great tutorial here. i'm about to run down to value village & pick up some old sheets.


etsy wednesday - french linen tote

jill bent french linen market tote
the capitol hill farmers market is just around the corner & this looks like such a great way to get all my good from there to my kitchen. jill bent has a lovely assortment of french linen goods including totes & pillows.


fashion blitz - one piece swim

i think this suit goes perfectly with sky-high heals & a stiff cocktail. i've started my annual swim shopping - my trip to the lake, maui & someday trip to palm springs has me inspired. the retro glory above, it will be mine.


found art - rpeli

i'm a big fan. brooklyn-based artist, rpeli (aka ryan peltier).


handmade days - bottle painting & bathroom art

such sweet projects for your upcoming spring weekend.

painted bottles from poppytalk
what a great way to reuse kitchen glass - juice containers, pb and olive jars. thanks to poppy talk for the link.

bathroom art from apartment therapy
more reuse - tp rolls make a killer wall hanging on apartment therapy.

flickr favorites

still dottie flickr favorites
i love the way my favorites gallery looks from far away. check it here for the closeups.


fashion blitz - chris benz

chris benz fall 2010

chris benz fall 2010
fall already - this whole fashion timing is crazy to me. still - chris benz's fall ready to wear is delightful.

via everything is beautiful via style.com


persimmon dresser

in an effort to avoid spending money on a dresser when the one at home does the job - it just needs a makeover. this time i'll paint it persimmon.

found print - we are family

we are family design

we are family design

we are family design
cute patterns available as cards, prints or books. we are family rocks it.


music to listen to - we are hunted

we are hunted is a great source for the top tracks online. the design is great & i love that all of the music can be previewed while browsing.

laura marling was featured today & i am loving her sound.


handmade days - do this

diy sparkle bra. love it - do it.

i'm sorry for a less traditional handmade days, but i'm feeling nutty (blame it on the 1/3 cup of coffee i drank 3 hours ago) & it's funny, right?! also, i can't remember who to credit, if you know, let me know.