my dear friend divya likes to make food, i like to make things...so an apron seemed the most appropriate gift. this apron was inspired by an apron made by my great grandmother for my mom, way back in the day. it was passed down to my sister & i snagged it from her to make replicas. it turned out really cute; i used a creme fabric with brown polka dots & hot pink bias tape (my first time & i was really happy with what it can do).
this is a simple project, it is a solid piece of fabric with very little detail work. here is my attempt at a tutorial so you can make your own:
what you'll need:
1 yard fabric (washed)
2 packs of single fold bias tape
button or snap
to make:
1. trace pattern on the back of fabric & cut out
2. shoulders - sew left side dotted lines, front to back, together (front of fabric facing one another), repeat with right side
3. sew bias tape along all solid edges of the remaining fabric (see becka's project journal tutorial)
4. sew button or snap on the left back panel (x) with an opposing snap or button hole on the opposite back panel (l)

more pics including some updates.
i have created a pdf that is 50% of the true size & can be printed at 200% at any printer company. click here to download the pdf.
you can also see my other patterns & tutorials here - take a look for your next project!

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How did you know I wanted that exact apron? :)
My mom has an apron just like that (except hers has pockets) and we were talking about its history just the other day. She got it in New Orleans over 30 years ago and has worn it to cook and craft as long as I can remember. My mom is curious to know exactly where your mother got hers.
my mom's was made by her grandmother probably 30 some years ago. this is the only one i don't have a pattern for, but i have a collection of other apron patterns that my great grandmother cut from newspaper.
wow, this is great! Just what I've been looking for! Going on my to-make list! -kb
I have been making this same apron but with pockets for many years. I have a newspaper pattern that my grandmother made. Through the years, I have altered it making larger sizes and even children's sizes. Since the price of bias tape has gotten so high, I make my own. Talk about personalizing! Just the right fabric for the bias trim can make all the difference.
Save on bias (cost of buying or time making), and make this apron reversible. Cut 2 of same pattern, place right-sides together, stitch around entire apron, leaving a 4" opening along one side. Turn right side out, stitch shoulders together (stitch together one set of shoulder seams making sure that second set is out of the way, then hand stitch together the remaining set of seams), close opening. Voila!
grammajelly! what a great idea.
Making the apron reversible with double fabric works well especially if you want a heavier protection or if you are using a thinner fabric. It is also quicker but takes more fabric, of course.
I can get lots of bias binding from 1/2 yard of fabric. but if time is an issue, buying the bias or making the reversible apron is much quicker. sometimes certain bias trim just makes the apron so much prettier. When using as a gift, it makes a great showing. Thanks everyone for sharing all your wonderful ideas.
This person has great instructions for making bias tape quickly:
Thanks for posting this - I'm going to try making the pattern tonight!
I am about ready to pull my hair out trying to make this apron. It looks like there is a difference in the drawn pattern and the picture. There is no squared corner in the back on the pattern to attach the button or snap. I assumed that the angled seams come together to make that, but from the pictures the seam sits on the shoulder, NOT in the back where the snap is. And from the picture the shoulder seams are fairly squared, and not sharply angled. Anyways- I'm giving up and making plain bbq apron.
Anonymous, I can see why you are frustrated. I didn't pay close attention to the pattern because I have a pattern for this apron already. But your post got me to thinking. There should be a bit an angled corner comining off the pack section from where it connects at the shoulder......similar to the angle at the front. The difference is that the front connects all the way across where as the back is two sections for the opening. I am sure that is not explained very well. But if you take the pattern the fold it down the center then lay the back section with a fold under the arm section, you will see what it needs. This should have been a very easy project. Sorry you got frustrated. I love this project and have made it many times. Good luck in the future.
anonymous & suzy. sorry you had trouble with the pattern! i think that the angle on the neck in the pattern may be a little short taking a look back. the opening there should be oblong enough to dip in front & connect in the back as seen in the picture of my friend. i will update the illustration to display it a little clearer. please feel free to email me with more questions or concerns, i'm new to pattern & tutorial creation.
Finally! I've been looking for a pattern just like this. I may have to make mine a bit bigger, though. ;)
Hi! I found the link to this post at http://tipnut.com/56-free-apron-
and I was wondering... since you did such a fabulous job with this... I have a very good friend who wears a size 22/24 and has a hard time finding aprons to fit... I thought maybe you could suggest a way I could alter your pattern to make it big enough for her? Her birthday comes up in about a month and a half, this would be a great gift!
Please email me if you have time at simply_ks_amethyst@yahoo.com - thanks!!
Great blog, by the way...:)
Anita, my pattern appears to be the same as the one shown but the dimensions are different. Where that pattern shows 28" across the bottom width, mine measures 42" across the width just under the armhole area and the shoulder sections are 4 1/2". I made a larger pattern also. It measures 50" across the width just under the armhole. Both of my patterns are 32" long.
Good luck making your friend an apron. feel free to inquire further if necessary.
Thanks, Suzy! That sounds easy enough.. This gives me a great excuse to go fabric shopping now! :)
Thanks for the great pattern. I'm going to try it very soon. The link for Becka's Project Journal entry on bias tape seemed to be broken, and since I think I found the correct new one, I thought I'd post it: http://homepage.mac.com/arahn/blogold/archives/00000587.html
Thanks again for sharing your great grandma's pattern!
Oh, and I found this great tutorial on making your own bias tape, without using a manufactured bias tape tool, at Creative Little Daisy's site: http://creativelittledaisy.typepad.com/creative_little_daisy/2007/11/diy-version-of.html
Just what I needed! Thanks!!
I am so excited to make this. It's just like my mom's apron -- the perfect balance between form and function. Thanks!
I'm missing one measurement. What would the length of the neck curve be, or the length from the top of the 13" mark to the bottom 28" mark? Or the length from the top of the right/left side to bottom? Karens Krafts
Need measurement of neck curve, left or right top of shoulder to bottom 28" figure or top of 13" mark to the bottom 28" line. Can not figure out how far up the neck goesor how far up the sides are above the top 28" mark. Thanks, Karen
My pattern which I made years ago but is the same design has the following measurements-
Front length: 29"
Shoulder (at neck edge) to hem length: 33"
Shoulder (at arm edge) to hem length: 31 1/2"
Shoulder width: 4 1/2"
Underarm to hem length: 17 1/2"
Back neck edge to curved hem: 28"
Total width from back edge to back edge across hip area: 42"
thanks suzy! anonymous, does that answer your question?
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I think I'll go make that apron now. You gals are great! Karen
sorry, i'm new at this. is it possible to print this template and if so, how do i do it?
you could try printing it large at a kinkos or print shop, but i'm not sure if it would work, sorry! my tip would be to fold your fabric in half (up the middle of the apron) & mark some of the main measurements using a fabric pencil & measuring tape. after those points are marked, you could sort of "connect the dots." please let me know if i can help in another way.
hey everyone! i've updated the pattern. please let me know if you have any questions!
What size is this apron? What sized woman would it fit?
I enjoy reading your blog. I’ve bookmarked you in my favorites. I am writing to invite you to join in the fun at the blog my sister-in-law and I keep…The Chocolistas.
We, The Chocolistas, are holding a Name That Chocolate Dessert Contest…August 4 - 16….with prizes! We’d love for you to participate.
Come and join the fun!
A very usefull apron, although I think a little longer would be better. This is similar to the aprons I wear but mine have a gathered waist and also tie at the back.
OMG, my grandmother just sent me this exact pattern and told me it was her mother's pattern. How funny!!
This is perfect for a baker! We've featured a link to this as part of our favorite apron patterns roundup here. Thanks for sharing!
I love this one and want to make one for my Mom. Her birthday is in a couple days.
I am having trouble with transferring the measurements from an 81/2 x 11 version to a full size???? not sure what to do.
I wish I could make it - I even went and got everything not realizing I would never be able to start it today.
Maybe I will have to go to Joanns and try to find one in their pattern section. Thanks for sharing it anyway.
Kathy, don't give up, you can do it! My pattern like this one is only half with the front of the pattern on the fold. It may be easier for you to make it this way. Good luck!
My Mom and I are making this today! I cant wait! I just love this apron!! Wish me luck!
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. My mom had a stroke about 5 months ago and has trouble eating (neatly) so now the aprons I made (3 of them) will protect beautiful blouses. What a lifesaver!
Doreen from Orlando
Hi there, what a great pattern and tutorial, thank you very much. I made my mother and mother-in-law one for Mother's Day and they were a hit, then I of course had to make myself one too! I made mine with lining on the inside. I put one of them on my blog, I hope you don't mind.
i am going to make this, slightly altered as a smaller smock for my 1year old neice, and then likely one for myself but with a waist tie on it perhaps.
i have a really great smock thats a bit like this one, although to small for me (in the chest) it is more fitted though however. but i think this one with a waist tie will work greatly.
I've been looking for a full coverage apron that is cute. I will give this a try and lenghthen the "skirt" and perhaps add a ruffle. Thanks!
wow, this is great! This blog is so helpful. Your expression was very easy to read and understand. I enjoy reading your blog. My mom and i can't wait to make this apron. I just love this apron. thank you for posting and sharing it.
I've been looking for a pattern just like this! THanks for posting it! When I print out the pattern, how much do I need to blow it up, size wise for it to fit to scale, and fit the right measurements?
Please let me know so I can get the percentage right when I"m at the copy machine! THanks again!!
thanks for this.
i used to and changed it to fit a 12-24month old (but i made it double sided/reversable, and also to fit a 5/6 year old. now i just need to alter again to fit a 3/4year old (to fit my middle nephew and then all 3 have smocks)
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=vl_other_2&listing_id=29570767 (12-24month old)
now i just need to print it off to fit me, seeing as when i found this patern i was looking for one for myself lol, and now i have made 5 aprons.... and none for me!
I've been looking for a pattern like this for months! Thanks for sharing, and for reading all those comments and altering everything. I'm going to email you for a pattern. I think this is THE item for my Homemade Christmas this year. Whoopie!
I bought this type of apron in Mexico several years ago. I still have it and love it. Wished I could find another exactly like mine. I has pockets with little faces painted on and it has yarn (braids) and "earrings" on the little heads in the pockets. I dont think anyone has another like mine.
Perfect for my daughter's "American Gothic" Halloween costume!
PDF now downloadable at http://stilldottie.com/still.dottie.apron.pattern.pdf
I've been looking for this apron for months. I have an old one of my mom that's falling apart and it's the only one I can wear because of neck problems. Now I just need to find someone who can sew to make some for me.
I would pay for a pattern that is ready to use. I wear a size 10-12 I am not good at making my own pattern. if someone has the pattern that could be traced and mailed to me or knows of apttern that I could buy, please let me know. eskelson@cableone.net
Thank you so much!
I needed an apron for a pippi-longstocking-costume for my little daughter, and this is soooooo perfect!
I still need the full size pattern for this apron. If anyone has it, please let me know. My e-mail is ronda.eskelson@gpod.org or eskelson@cableone.net
Ronda - You can download the above PDF and take it to a printer. They should print it at 200% for a full size pattern.
Anyone else have ideas?
Rhonda, I have a pattern and can send it to you but need your snail mail address. I tried sending you an email but never got a response from you.
hello! thanks for your apron pattern. i'm about to get started on it. i printed your PDF and went to Kinkos to have them enlarge it. the 200% turned out to be too small, so i ended up having to blow it up at 400%. they charged me $11 for it, which i was really, really bummed about.
oh no! now i'm even more bummed. the 400% was too small :(
I'm sorry to hear that it didn't print properly. Sometimes working with the printing companies can be tricky - do you know how big it ended up printing?
hi! thanks for your response. the printer told me she printed it at 400%. but the measurements did not match the actual printed pattern. for example, the width of the smock is supposed to be 40 inches across, but came out to be only 30 inches. i just started sewing, so perhaps i gave bad instructions :(
For those having trouble printing this pdf to make an actual size pattern, here is the solution my copy center came up with:
Print a copy of the pdf onto an 8 1/2" by 11" transparency. Then use an overhead projector to project the image onto the wall. Use a yard stick to make sure that the measurements are true and life size. Then tape up some butcher paper and trace the image! I had to move the projector around a bit to make it the right measurements, but it was so cheap. It came out to about $2 for the transparency and the butcher paper.
Hi I am about to sew this together as a reversible apron, but I am unsure about the shoulders.
Do I do them first stitching each fabric shoulder together or do I do them last, stitch the fabric peices together and sort of have one side of the shoulder stitched over the other?
I just saw this for the first time and this is a very old pattern. My grandmother had one and she passed away in the 1960's and was almost 90 when she died. We were Illinois people so it came from there.
How Awesome is this smock apron! I have trouble tying behind my back due to problems with back, shoulder, arms and hands. This pattern is just perfect! I love the idea of a reversible smock that others have expressed. I think I need 2 large pockets on it though...I look forward to making this with my Mom (the real seamstress of the family).
I think that one side will be Christmas print design and the other side patriotic since these are the times I work up the strength to cook and bake the most. Then we'll go from there! I love this site! There are such wonderful ideas and patterns here! Thank You so much!!
Another suggestion? My grandmother used to wear this style but years later she had trouble buttoning it at the back of her neck...
She would attach the right arm to the left shoulder. She could slip it right over her head and never had to worry with the button...
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