
in the kitchen

in an effort to try more recipes, i decided to make chicken & dumplings from smitten kitchen last night. i grew up on the salty doughy goodness of chicken & dumplings & have since learned to make them just like my mom. the problem is - i wanted a little more kick & i wanted to make the dumplings from scratch. thanks to the slog, i found the above recipe.

i wanted to rate all of the new recipes i try in 2009, but the first one will be hard as there is no base to start from. either way, here is the system.

difficulty: easy, intermediate, difficult
time: quick fix, some time, all evening
taste: blah, pretty pretty good, holy yumm

smitten kitchen's chicken & dumplings:
some time (30 minute prep, 1.75 cook)
holy yum

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